Satellite Internet Service

The VSAT satellite technology uses a type of antenna that receives and transmits data and that by its acronym in English means Very Small Aperture Terminal. This antenna consists of small terminals that can be installed in distributed sites and be connected to a central Hub thanks to a satellite; It also stands out that the size of the dishes can vary from 0.75 to 3.8 meters.

SATCOM provides connection and communication all over Africa using VSAT technology. This is achieved by use of modernized technologies on both C-Band, KU-Band, and KA-band. We have highly backed up VSAT HUBS and high speed satellites to enable fast and reliable connection allover  Africa and for any use ie homes, office, remote areas, Media Houses, Banks, Military, and high bandwidth usage needs.

We have a 24/7 support team that ensures premium and smooth running of our services.

Satellite Coverage

SATCOM VSAT services are available across the region, all parts of Africa are well covered with plenty of solutions to pick from according to user needs

KU Band.

The service uses smaller dishes ( 1.2m) Has many package offers from shared to dedicated

KA band

The service allows higher bandwidth communication with frequency range of about 27 to 40GHz

C band

The service uses larger dishes (1.8m and above) has satellites covering the whole of Africa

Foundations of Our Services

Our services

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