
Satcom Africa

How Does VSAT Work?

VSAT works by transmitting data from a small satellite dish to a large satellite orbiting the Earth. This large satellite then relays the data to another satellite, which sends it to your home or office. The advantage of using VSAT is that it provides high speeds and low latency, which is essential for businesses. VSAT…

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VSAT Installation and Maintenance

Good maintenance, knowledge of the site and well maintained records are the basis for avoiding any unexpected faults. However, an unexpected failure may cause outages and emergency repairs may be necessary. To meet the guarantee, and to keep the link functioning, you need to have a regularly scheduled antenna inspection and maintenance program. We have…

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TV and Radio Broadcasting

Satellite Distribution Broadcasting You have an unmatched potential to distribute your content with the major platforms around the world thanks to our satellite infrastructure. That means rapid content distribution, satellite uplinks and satellite capacity, including permanent and occasional use live broadcasts and direct-to-home satellite solutions. Our team combines decades of broadcast experience to provide the…

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Satellite Internet Service

The VSAT satellite technology uses a type of antenna that receives and transmits data and that by its acronym in English means Very Small Aperture Terminal. This antenna consists of small terminals that can be installed in distributed sites and be connected to a central Hub thanks to a satellite; It also stands out that…

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