Satcom Africa is a leading VSAT internet and broadcasting service provider to help people in emerging markets have access to global premium connectivity. Satcom Africa provides international connectivity services for customers, including incumbent telecom ISPs, cellular operators, and other enterprises worldwide!

Satellite Internet Service

VSAT is an excellent choice for businesses that need high-speed, low-latency broadband access.
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TV & Radio Broadcasting

VSAT is an excellent choice for businesses that need high-speed, low-latency broadband access.
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Installation & Maintenance

Involves monitoring of a VSAT site after installation to ensure optimisation of operation
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Trusted Business Solutions

In this modern era, Internet connection is a major part of the backbone of a business. SATCOM Africa provides the best and affordable VSAT internet services to ensure smooth and efficient running of your business. We have a skilled experienced team of engineers, Tech Support and administrators to get your business to the next level.


Need Reliable satellite Solutions? Look no further. We are here to help!

How does your business cope with broadband outages? Prevent the loss of sales or productivity that follows a wired internet outage with VSAT backup systems for your business. Rest easy knowing you’ll be covered in all contingencies – all for about the price of a cup of coffee each day.

We provides advanced and business-friendly communication services. We have specifically designed this line of services to add real value while encouraging and supporting our customer’s business growth, regardless of industry. 

Why Satcom VSAT Systems

VSAT systems are ideal for temporary, mobile and remote locations, and are available virtually anywhere. This provides secure, reliable, and affordable broadband internet connectivity.